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Charity dinner and auction for ukraine

Free Ukraine cordially invites you to a charity dinner and art auction at Frescohallen at Bergen Børs Hotel.

For the artists at the Lviv National Academy of Arts in Ukraine, shrapnel from the war's destructive and deadly weapons has become a powerful medium for creative expression. Their unique art has been curated in a large-scale exhibition that will be auctioned. All proceeds from the auction will go to the Ukrainian struggle for freedom.

You are hereby invited to participate in an art auction at Frescohallen in Bergen.

Time: Wednesday 24 April at 19:00 – 21:00. The doors open at 18:00.

Location: Frescohallen, Bergen

Ticket: Includes dinner and welcome drink. Minimum price NOK 1,000

Join us for a dinner with the mayors and deputy mayors of both Bergen and Lviv, Ukraine, as well as the rector of the Lviv National Academy of Arts.

Register by replying to this email (post@ frittukraina.no) or by contacting Secretary General Natalia Golis on (+47) 90870491.

Please remember to specify the number of seats you wish to reserve.

You will receive your final ticket and confirmation by email.

See all the artworks here:

  • 1. Andrii Balko. H 54 cm

  • 2. Ivan Frank. W 30 cm

  • 3. Ivan Frank. H 72 cm

  • 4. Petro Hrytsiuk. W 100 cm

  • 5. Petro Starukh. H 92 cm

  • 6. Andrii Balko. W 63 cm

  • 7. Ukrainian Armed Forces. H 70 cm

  • 8. Oleh Filevych. H 96 cm

  • 9. Andrii Balko. W 67 cm

  • 10. Oleh Bonkovskyi. H 23 cm

  • 11. Andrii Kokhanevych. H 41 cm

  • 12. Andrii Balko. W 61 cm

  • 14. Orest Ivasiuta. H 82 cm

  • 15. Mykhailo Kozak. H 43 cm

  • 16. Oleh Bonkovskyi. H 26 cm

  • 17. Ivan Frank. H 60 cm

  • 18. Oleh Filevych. H 42 cm

  • 19. Nazar Symotiuk. H 61 cm

  • 20. Andrii Balko. H 7 cm

  • 21. Andrii Balko. W 107 cm

  • 22. Ukrainian Armed Forces. H 36 cm

"The war in Ukraine has never been closer to us in both time or place. We in Fritt Ukraina, in cooperation with our partners in Lviv and the Lviv National Academy of Arts, wish to show our support and at the same time recognise that we are part of Europe. This auction is a way to directly support both to those who are fighting for freedom at the front and the art students' work and everyday life in a country at war," says Secretary General Natalia Golis, adding:

"I hope as many people as possible show their support and enthusiasm for these works, which have come to Bergen directly from the battlefield in the East, as a reminder of our responsibility as fellow human beings. 'It's better to do a little than to think a lot' as Roy Jacobsen said. We live by that motto every day."

Advance bids for all works can be registered until April 23 at 23:59. Advance bids must be submitted by email to post@frittukraina.no. Remember to include the name of the artwork together with your bid.

Bids start at NOK 1,500 for all works.

*5% art tax will be added

All ticket revenue and donations received will be shared equally between Fritt Ukraina and the Lviv National Academy of Arts.

Organisers: Fritt Ukraina in collaboration with the Lviv National Academy of Arts, in partnership with De Bergenske, Høyersten Contemporary, and Blomqvist.



Unik kunstutstilling i Frescohallen

Fritt Ukraina inviterer til kunstauksjon i Frescohallen på Bergen Børs Hotel.


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